Fiscal Regime Setup for Facilities
The Fiscal Regimes calculation engine supports calculations occurring at facilities in addition to wells from Enersight 2.14 onwards. This support includes individual calculations as well as ring fences and thus enables complex regimes with burden implications being generated at facilities to be correctly reflected as well as facilitating facility details such as capital to be incorporated into ring fence calculations.
No changes are required to existing implementations where just wells have their calculation applied, however there has been a new checkbox regarding calculating royalties at the asset that can be disabled if it is just a reference node.
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To assist in the plethora of use cases, a couple of extra settings have been introduced at the facility level to control the input and output of the fiscal regime. Specifically, this included adding checkboxes to switch:
- If burdens calculated should add to the inflowing results or if they should replace them
- If calculations should be calculated at the Asset
- If the values that are sent to the fiscal regime engine from that asset should be incremental or rollup (only visible if calculations are being done at the asset)
In addition to these settings, a summary statement is displayed to provide a commentary of what the selection choice will result in.
Facilities by default will inherit their royalty settings from the Project but have the royalty calculation turned off so as to ensure that existing projects where royalty settings may have been configured at the facility level for inheritance by wells will be unaffected.
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